Tuesday, November 21, 2006

how long can it possibly take to eat a frensh bread sandwich, if you lost your two front teeth

being a five years old girl is not easy at all times. Today, on the train, i witnessed the desperate tries of a little mexican girl to eat a frensh bread sandwich. She lost her two front teeth (which happens when you are a 5 yrs old girl, right?) and was sort of mumbling away: sucking, licking and chewing -fighting that hard crust down. I remember when i was about that age, loosing my teeth. First it's weird, that your teeth one by one become wabbly. Then it's fun having a competition with yourself, in what short of time you can get them out, with what technic. And resultingly one has a perfectly huge gap and finest of all is 'spitting through it'. Having this ridiculously tooth gaped smile, kids seem to enjoy smiling even more, then they do anyways. Not to forget the tooth fairy, who brings money or a little present in return of the tooth. But after a while, when eating just becomes a pain in the ass, no one takes you seriously anymore because you spit while talking and look like a tiny version of your own grandma, the wish arises the new tooth would grow more rapidly. Well, i'm certainly not looking forward to the age where i'll have to suck frensh bread again.


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