Sunday, October 29, 2006

Did you ever feel the desire to kill people with a fork

Sitting in the living-room eating this heap of spaghetti, John randomly came up with his desire to kill people with a fork. So i started wondering if one could actually do that, kill someone with a fork. How deep would it go? In no way it could for example get through your rips. What if you´d go for the jugular vein, you could bleed to death? But then how could anyone could get away with a murder like that? I can allready see the newspaper headline "Girl stabbed to death with fork, but what was she spooning at?" mhhh but then he could easily get away with it by talking his way out of it...he´d be going through Africa saying: "well, that the way the world is, guys" Well anyways imagine that picuter someone laying with his face flat in a heap of spaghetti with a fork sticking out of his neck? what a picture?


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