Friday, November 10, 2006

welcome to prison

just recently i had a conversation about the current prison situation in the usa. John read about it online and tried to come up with a plan of defens startegies, if in any case he'd have to go to prison sometime. It's on the first hand ridiculous, how everyone gets locked up together from rapist over murderer to psycologically dearranged criminals to the common thug and drug addict, because on the other hand the weaker and more non-agressiv one is, the more one'll be fucked up. Huge, agressive, violent guys will sell you as a sex slave. Any defens method other then actually fighting them wont work. So become a huge, agressive, violent guy yourself as soon as you sense your sentence.
Methodes how it wont work...
Alarm the guards: forget it, the'll send you back in - telling you to behave like a real man. Hide: Not possible neither sharing a 40 bed dorm, nor a double cell and not to mention the open showers and toilets will help you on that one. Don't wash: ah i wouldn't suggest that. You'll get badly hurt by anyone who has to spend time with you - considering your in prison there will be a lot of people having to spend time with you,ouch.Talk to the enemies: are u stupid!!! Join the minor community of white men in american prison to have a protective base: I don't think u'd like to kill a black guy, that's what u'd have to do to join them, as they re all pretty much nazis. So looking at the facts the only chance left >> You'd have to immediatly kill the first person who'd come for you to rape or abuse you, to make your point (good luck on that one). But fancy staying in this place any longer then possible, so thats not an option either, i think one is pretty lost in such circumstances. So knowing all this i was negativly suprised to see this "funny" new film ad. How could anyone possibly joke about that????
Questions over questions.....


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