Monday, January 22, 2007

They did it again

It seemed like a last curtain (as you say in Germany). I was sitting on the A train and watched the last ‘I m in New York and everyone is gone nuts performance’. A heated discussion, a lot of swearing, a fistfight, serious aggression. But it was only one guy. One guy arguing with who? One guy swearing at who? One guy but fist fighting who? It was a sad and funny scene. He was really working it. Actually I was really scared, that he would end up hurting himself. Amazing too, how New Yorkers are able to just blend things like that out –bsssmmmp- it’s simply not there. I actually realized, just then, looking around me, I was the only one paying attention. 99% of the New Yorkers have their eyes closed, riding on the trains –using the long traveling time to take a perfectly nice nap. Me, I hate sleeping on the subway. I don’t like being watched while sleeping. But who would watch, once I close my eyes it would be a vast asleep train car. Sweet dreams, I guess.


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