Tuesday, December 05, 2006

If some people could press the knob, Germany surley wouldn't exsist

Today, i had lunch with Mr. Friggle. "Thank you very much". We talked about creative potential, which is or isn't activated by this very city. David told me, that he knew a couple of people who took a while, being paralized and/or intimidated by this vibrant city, to find back to their creative potential. I have to admit i didn't have that problem...not because of being very cool and special and artsy. But rather because i learned, thanx to my uni, to be observative of "reality". The art-medium will be suggested by my observations and each medium, through its unique characteristics, eventually transforms the observation into something unexpected. So everything happens partly by chance, which makes me less responsible, which lowers the border of respect for ny's energy and creativity, which makes it easy to produce. After that i started wondering about in Greenwich Village. At some point a little, old man stopped me and asked for the direction. I couldn't really tell but had a map... so we took a look at it and figured that we had to go the same way. He asked me if i was from England, i don't have to explain why, do i. I told him were i'm from and he replyed in German -which really suprised me. But it isn't suprising after all, because his Grandmother is from Vienna. Well randomly he said: "I cannot understand how jewish people can live in Germany." And no he was no jew. I was to astonish to reply. He kept raging: "The jews take advantage of the fact, that the germans have to be nice to them to make it up." Excuse me, i doubt that even a whole country being awfully-painintheass-nice for years couldn't make that up, right. Well, he finally told me, if he had the power over the red knob, he'd have blown Germany to bits and pieces, allright. Mhhh, nice guy. So here is the thing: Please, stop worrying about Germanys past -we can handle- and start worrying about Americas future, this seems like the more frightning danger. And i wont say, don't vote for Bush, or the Conservatives... I'm not in the position to do so. But start thinking about the puppet mashinery of your whole election system, please. That might save the world, cough, cough...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so strange.. people's reactions to... well, everything, actually.
I've had many similar but not-so-intense encounters regarding Germany's past myself, ... hmm. hm.

7:01 PM  

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